Being Michael Brynntrup Maximilian Le Cain July 2005 Experimental Cinema German filmmaker Michael Brynntrup is the subject of his films. Le Cain dissects Brynntrup's self-portrait magnum opus E.C.G. Expositus: The Broadcast and the Artistic Media.
Fetish, Filth and Childhood: Walking down The Street of Crocodiles Sarah Scott July 2005 Experimental Cinema The Quay Brothers' seminal film as seen through the lens of Walter Benjamin's ideas.
Alchemical Transformations: The Abstract Films of Harry Smith Jamie Sexton July 2005 Experimental Cinema The career of a key figure of the American avant-garde is discussed in depth.
James Benning’s Art of Landscape: Ontological, Pedagogical, Sacrilegious Michael J. Anderson July 2005 Experimental Cinema Benning's 13 Lakes is discussed in the light of André Bazin's concept of the ontology of the image and its frame.